Custom Development / DeploymentΒΆ


If you are simply a consumer of the service, you DO NOT have to deploy your own instance. Assuming you have the API key, you can use the already deployed instance at

If you would like to customise and/or deploy your own instance in your AWS environment, follow the below steps:

  1. Install python3, node.js and aws-cli.

  2. Install serverless framework: npm install -g serverless

  3. Download the repo: git clone && cd vautomator-serverless

  4. Create a virtual env: pipenv --python 3.x

  5. Install the Python requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt

  6. Customise your serverless.yml file, in particular the custom and provider sections where you can specify your own S3 bucket name/SQS name/KMS key (if using integration, see step 6) etc. or specify multiple environments, tag your resources etc.

  7. Setup your AWS profile and credentials. An account or role with at least the permissions listed in serverless.yml is required in order to deploy and run this. If you access AWS via SSO, it is recommended to install maws, and use maws to sign in to assume a role. maws will obtain the session credentials for you (depending on how you used it), save these credentials in your local AWS credential file ~/.aws/credentials.

  8. Once your AWS profile is set up, modify the Makefile to specify your AWS region and AWS profile. Serverless framework supports role assumption, and so does the Makefile, as long as your AWS config and credentials files are setup as per here, or using maws in the previous step.

  9. [OPTIONAL] If you want support via the /ondemand/tenablescan endpoint (otherwise skip to step 8):

    • Create a user account with standard user permissions, and create an API key for this account.
    • Modify the top of the Makefile as follows:
    # Y for support, N or blank if not
    TENABLE_IO := Y / N
    # If you would like to create a dedicated KMS for vautomator,
    # specify a policy file here (an example policy file is
    # provided in the repository). Otherwise leave blank if
    # you would like to use default AWS SSM key for encrypted storage
    # Blank if a policy file is specified,
    # or if you would like to use default AWS SSM key
    • Once this is done, run make setup TIOA=<Tenable-Access-Key> TIOS=<Tenable-Secret-Key>. TIOA and TIOS are API keys generated in the first bullet point above. Based on the above values in Makefile, this will create a new or use the default AWS KMS key of your AWS account, and store the Tenable API keys in SSM in encrypted form using the KMS key.


      If integration is desired, The most straightforward option is to specify the AWS profile and Y for TENABLE_IO, and leave other variables blank.

  10. [OPTIONAL] Run: make validate to check if your serverless.yml is correctly formatted without deploying a stack.

  11. Run make deploy to deploy to AWS! This will first install the required serverless plugins, then deploy the stack.

  12. If you have no serverless/CloudFormation errors and if you see Service Information listing your lambda functions/endpoints in the output, you are good to go.